Local stores: shopping in Constance
Find assortment, opening hours and more info from 896 local retailers and stores in Constance.
Weihnachtsshopping in Konstanz
Willst Du das besondere Flair des Weihnachtsshoppings in Konstanz erleben? Die Stadt bietet mit dem Seerhein-Center und dem LAGO Shopping-Center zwei zentrale Anlaufpunkte für Deine Festtagseinkäufe. Das Seerhein-Center, gelegen am Zähringerplatz 9, und das LAGO Shopping-Center, zu finden in der Bodanstraße 1, öffnen ihre Pforten für eine vielfältige Auswahl an Geschäften, die alles von Mode bis Elektronik bereithalten. Nutze die festlich dekorierten Malls für Deine Weihnachtseinkäufe und genieße die weihnachtliche Atmosphäre in der charmanten Stadt am Bodensee. Verpasse nicht die Gelegenheit, einzigartige Geschenke zu entdecken und die festliche Zeit in vollen Zügen zu genießen!
to the gift special Constance: Gift inspiration in your city
Discover the shopping world in Constance, a picturesque paradise on Lake Constance for shopping enthusiasts. Known for its breathtaking scenery and historic architecture, Constance is also known as a top destination for shopping lovers. The city offers an impressive variety, from the latest fashion trends to unique souvenirs and high-quality local products.
Your shopping experience in Constance is characterized by an exciting mix of modern shopping malls and charming little boutiques. The Lago Shopping Center, the city's largest shopping mall, and the picturesque alleyways of the old town with their individual stores and boutiques are just waiting to be discovered by you.
Constance offers a particular advantage for Swiss customers: its geographical proximity and lower prices compared to Switzerland make a shopping trip here particularly attractive. Many Swiss take the opportunity to shop in Constance, as they have noticeable price advantages here. However, this popularity also has its downside: the city can be very crowded, especially at weekends. In addition, the high number of visitors from Switzerland can mean that the price level for German customers is relatively high.
In addition to the typical shopping opportunities, Constance is also known for its local delicacies and craftsmanship, which can be found at the city's weekly markets. These not only offer high-quality products, but also an authentic cultural experience.
In addition to the diverse shopping opportunities, a number of events and festivals also enrich your shopping experience in Constance. From street festivals to seasonal markets, there is always something new and exciting to discover here.
In short, Constance is a true paradise for shopping enthusiasts. With its unique combination of modern shopping centers, charming boutiques, local products and a vibrant cultural offering, the city offers an unparalleled shopping experience that attracts visitors from far beyond Switzerland.