This is what CAFÉ UMSTEIGER , Hagenow offers
At CAFÉ UMSTEIGER you will find the following brands
At CAFÉ UMSTEIGER you will find the following goods
- Non-alcoholic beer
- sandwiches
- Beer
- Bockwust
- Roll
- Burger
- Cheeseburger
- Chicken nuggets
- Chicken wings
- Coffee to go
- Currywurst
- Curry sausage with fries
- Stews
- Popsicle
- Meat skewers
- Meatballs
- Fruit wines
- Mulled wine
- Hamburg
- Hot chocolate
- Hot Dogs
- Snack
- Coffee bits
- Cocoa
- Potato casserole
- Potato wedges
- Chewing gum
- Herbal liqueurs
- Cracow
- Cake
- Liqueurs
- Pasta bake
- Obstler
- French fries
- Beef sausage
- Salads
- Sauces
- Spicy onions
- Shashlik
- Schnapps
- Schnitzel
- Schnitzel hunter style
- Sparkling wine
- Snacks
- Softdrings
- Tea
- Vegetarian dishes
- Wine
- Brandy
- Whiskey
- Vienna sausage
- Sausages
- Cigarettes
- Gypsy cutlet
- Gypsy sausage
- Onion rings