This is what Elektro Gehling, Südlohn offers
At Elektro Gehling you will find the following brands
At Elektro Gehling you will find the following goods
- Alarm systems
- Antenna systems
- Lighting
- Fire alarm systems
- Bus systems
- Intrusion detection systems
- Electrical appliances
- Building services engineering
- Home Appliances
- Kitchen
- Kitchens
- LED floodlight
- Services
- Luminaires
- Illuminant
- Multi-family houses
- Network technology
- PV plant
- Smoke alarm
- Satellite systems
- Satellite technology
- Safety engineering
- SmartHome
- Intercom systems
- Power supply
- Telephone systems
- Door phones
- Video systems
Elektro Gehling offers the following services
- Old building renovation
- Fire damage restoration
- Electrician
- Electrician emergency service
- Electrician work
- electrical installations
- Electrical emergency service
- Electrical systems
- Electrical installations
- Wireless alarm systems
- Home appliances customer service
- Installation work
- New construction
- Repairs
- Expert services
- Redevelopment
- Power
- Conversion