This is what Bahnhof - Apotheke, Stralsund offers
At Bahnhof - Apotheke you will find the following brands
At Bahnhof - Apotheke you will find the following goods
- Everyday masks
- Drugs
- Bandages
- Blood pressure monitors
- Blood glucose meters
- FFP2 masks
- Homeopathy
- Compression stockings
- Cosmetics
- Cosmetic products
- Medication
- Medical face masks
- medical mouthguard
- Mouthguard
- Food supplements
- Olive oil cosmetics
- Care products
- Ointments
- Support stockings
- Tea blends
Bahnhof - Apotheke offers the following services
- Blood pressure measurement
- Blood tests
- Blood glucose measurement
- Diabetic Care
- Nutritional counseling
- Cosmetic consultation
- Nursing
- Delivery service
- Naturopathy
- Phytotherapy